Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A New Routine

A New Routine

(“Fill us with your love every morning.  Then we will sing and rejoice all our lives.” Psalm 90:14)

How do you begin your day? We all have routines, and they can be as varied as our different personalities. Those routines can change at different points throughout our life as well. A high school student’s morning may be far more hurried than a retired couple. The student swills a quick bowl of cereal and rushes out the door to catch the bus in time, while the retirees my enjoy the leisure of a quiet morning, slowly sipping morning coffee and reading a favorite book. The executive takes time to think through an important meeting and a stay-at-home parent checks the calendar for each child’s activities. For most of us, the routine is a well-worn path every morning.

Hopefully our routine takes into account more than our task list or daily calendar. It goes without saying that the way we begin will have a big effect on the rest of our day. This require more than the requisite shower, shave and brushing of teeth. Just as we know that a nutritious breakfast will help energize us, so will a positive mental and spiritual routine.

Imagine your previous day was filled with anxiety. You had words with your spouse, your boss acted like you didn’t exist, the dog chewed up your favorite slippers and your puffed into your driveway with the “check engine” light blinking. All you can think is that unless you get your engine checked, or find a way to disconnect that annoying warning light, you may not make it to work in the morning. That’s how you end your day, not to mention the dreams that combined it all: your dog, dressed as a grease monkey is trying to fix your car right in the middle of your boss’s office.

The morning offers little hope! Unless you have a positive routine. Moses wrote Psalm 90. He feels terrified at God’s anger; that God is placing the peoples’ evil right in front of them. He says their years are full of hard work and pain, passing far too quickly. He wonders how long it will be until God returns to show kindness to His servants. Talk about a bad day! Talk about a bad year!

Yet, we all can relate. One day bumps right into the next one in a rush hour life that sometimes leaves us wondering where the years have gone. Unless we consciously begin each day with a positive routine, we are slaves to the onslaught of our days. Moses cries out, “Fill us with Your love every morning!”

Moses understood something that we often forget; the circumstances of life are not the evidence of how God feels about us. Times were exceedingly tough, yet he still knows it is God’s love that must fill his life. “If you fill me with Your love in the morning,” he say, “then I will sing and rejoice all my life.” Notice, he doesn’t say, “If you will fix my car, make my life easier and pay my rent, then I will rejoice.” No, it is God’s love he desires; and if his heart is filled with God’s love each morning, all the other annoyances have less affect.

Think of the Trinity filling you with love at daybreak. The sun reminds you of Father-God, the rays of Jesus, and the warmth is the Holy Spirit. Thank God each morning for His love that fills your heart through Christ. Through Jesus, God has filled poured His love into your heart, overflowing through the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5). Whether you are rushing out the door, or have a more relaxed routine, be sure to begin by asking God to fill your heart with His love. Consciously, for even two or three minutes, without any other interruptions, let the knowledge that He loves you without reservation be the first thoughts of your day.

And, He doesn’t love you only when you deserve. He doesn’t love you based on how good you are, what your talents are, how popular you are, how much money you make, or how often you read the Bible. Best of all, He doesn’t love us the way we love Him. We are forgetful; He always is thinking of us. We are fickle; He never changes His affection for us. We can even be unfaithful; but He never, ever turns His love away from us.

Life can be fragile. Life can be short. Life can take turns we did not contemplate and we can sometimes regret our own choices along the way. Yet, above and beyond it all, please be sure to know, Father-God will fill you with His love. Write out this verse (Psalm 90:14) and put it on your dashboard or bathroom mirror to remind you of your new routine; acknowledging and rejoicing in God’s love for you!

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