Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How Bold

How Bold?

(“For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7)

I suspect there are many who feel they do not need this verse. I would be the first to agree. There are whole groups of people who have no problem with timidity at all. They demand a new room in a motel of the sheets are the wrong size, or boldly jump the line at the grocery store without a glance back at the mother behind them, laden with packages, children and a purse hanging somewhere from her arms or shoulders.

No, timidity is not a problem for many. Many of us have been trained from childhood how to get our way. Whether it is the pushy sort who use size and authority to make others fear them, or the seductive ones who use the skills of personal beauty or persuasion, they rarely feel or act timid at all. Some even are unconcerned with the truth, so long as they come out looking good and get their way. Timid would be the last word we use to describe them.

“Oh,” we say, “If only we could get those people to use the same boldness for God’s kingdom.” I’m not sure that is the way God thinks. He is not simply looking for pushy people who will change camps. It is not like coaching the Seahawks, watching an aggressive linebacker playing for the Bears and doing everything possible to persuade him to play out in the Northwest. He changes teams, but is still playing the same game.

God is not interested at all in using people who are bold simply becaue they have no care about anyone else or the kingdom of God, for that matter. The “Spirit of God” has not give us timidity. In other words, God does take notice of those who seem so bold and anxious to act when it comes to their own desires, but lack even the bravado to get out of bed and join a group of loving believers on Sunday morning, for instance.

Obvious, church attendance is not the primary example of bold Christianity. But it certainly is the flat-line. If we are not boldly gathering regularly with other follower of Jesus, God could care less that we were bold enough to get the job that raised my pay another 10 percent. Once we joined up with Jesus’ team, we committed, soul, spirit and body, to make every portion of our lives belong to Him.

So, the first step is for everyone. Admit that what you do with your body matters to God. We don’t get to say, “I love the Lord” and then make all the decisions of our life without consulting Him. “Lord” means He is in charge. I watch dear children of God, some in their 90s, barely able to walk, making their way to be with God’s people week after week. I’ll take that boldness any day. It is the sort that overcomes the aches and pains of age because Jesus Himself is All-Important.

What would happen if I simply asked Jesus to show me where I need to be more bold “for Him”. First, our excuses for hanging back would fall away. This verse says the Father God has given us…the spirit of power! Maybe it starts with the simple power of being able to get out of bed when the alarm rings and come join God’s people. But it goes far beyond that. His Spirit empowers us to love the hurting, to speak the truth and avoid putting people down, to praying with confidence for others. If we are bold, let us be bold in the power of God that makes His kingdom number one.

Secondly, instead of hanging back, God has also gives us…the spirit of love! That love thinks twice before it speaks about others. That love protects, cares for, goes out of its way to make sure those around us are taken care of. Like the oath physician’s take: “First, do no harm.” Whatever we do in the boldness God gives, it is always to be covered with love. Let God’s boldness take us to help those no one else gives thought about, and to use our words to build others up, not to harm.

Finally, the boldness of the kingdom includes…self-control! No, I didn’t have to say what I did. No, I didn’t have to express the anger in a hurtful measure. No, I don’t have to make the bar my primary hangout. I am a child of God with something the world rarely uses: self-control. Use it next time you are tempted to blow up at your wife. Take that incredible gift and use it the next time you want to belittle your husband. Let us all become bold, but bold for the things God wants; and bold in God’s ways of power, love and self-control.

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