Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


“Designate your asylum-cities, towns to which a person who accidentally kills someone can flee for asylum.” Numbers 35:11 (The Message)

God had Moses assign six cities in the Promised Land where people could flee if they accidentally killed someone. This was necessary because the law at that time allowed for the victim’s nearest relative to take vengeance for the killing. There was not yet a “due process” that would help the accused show the killing was unintentional.

So, two men are working in a field with a yoke of oxen. The beasts get away from one of the men and end up trampling the other. Without any other witnesses, the relatives of the dead man could pursue the one who was living and put him to death. But, if he ran to one of the cities for asylum, the one seeking vengeance could not touch him.

What a wonderful picture of what God has provided for us in Christ. We often act in ways that bring harm to others, many times without prior intent. Things come spewing out of our mouths that surprise us as they are said. We speak about another person, degrading them, and wonder how we ever said such a thing.

On the other hand, many of our misdeeds are intentional. We may not desire to harm others or cause problems, but we make choices based upon our best interests, and sometimes ignore their consequences. Whether intended or unintended, we know we miss the mark in many ways. If only there was someplace to go that provides immunity; a refuge from the barrage of guilt and shame.

But Father God has provided exactly that for those who believe in Jesus. Romans 6:23 says, “Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God's gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master.” Our tendency toward living for ourselves only leads to death to our true self. Yet God has provided an alternative to this deathward life. It is the gift of eternal life through Jesus.

The person who inadvertently killed someone else had to run to the asylum city to take advantage of its protection. This was not something they were to stay around and debate. They were to immediately make their way to the city for safety. If they tried to defend their actions, or reason with the avenging relative, they would probably die.

The same thing happens with us. We must realize that we need what God has provided. If we stick around excusing our selfish action, reasoning away what we said or did that harmed another person, we reap only more death. But, if we allow ourselves to acknowledge our habit of making “me first”, and run to Christ for His protection, we experience the grand forgiveness the truly reinvigorates us.

God understands how the human psyche works. He knows that if we have no way of knowing we can be forgiven, we will live our whole life defending every misstep we make. With each defense we move further down the road of a life stuck with no means of change. But, if we know we need help, and run to Christ knowing we receive His mercy, we begin to enjoy the life He promises to those who acknowledge their inadequacies and trust in Him.

These cities were established available to all, and accessible to all. Their gates were always open and they were widely advertised. They were located at high elevations so they could be seen from great distances, and each was within a day’s journey for anyone within the land. Anyone was who needed to flee to these cities was allowed to do so, whether Israelite or not!

Oh what a beautiful picture of God’s provision for all of us in Christ. Jesus is available to all who will run to Him. His arms are always open wide to us, His availability never uncertain. When Jesus died on the cross, it was upon a hill, witnessed by many. He does not make us go on a long pilgrimage, do spiritual gymnastics or accomplish a long list of deeds to be accepted by Him. Instead, like the cities He is close; “within a day’s journey.” His protection and forgiveness are not reserved for just Israel or any other ethnic or religious group, but died for “all”.

One final comparison, the refugee was free to leave the city upon the death of the High Priest. He would then no longer be liable for the accidental death he had caused. Jesus, our True High Priest, dying upon the cross, allow us all to be released into exquisite freedom. Having run to Him, we are now sent out as men and women declared “not guilty” once and for all!

One of the cities was named “Kedesh”, which means “sanctuary”. We all need a sanctuary to which we can run, a place where, when our soul feels it is overwhelmed with grief over misdeeds, we can run to find the forgiveness and mercy of God Almighty.

This is not some soft-headed ignorance of people’s wrongdoings. Instead, it is the place where those who admit their wrongdoings can discover that God desire to pour out mercy rather than judgment. It is the place where we exchange our dead way of dealing with our shortfalls and discover the mercy that transforms us because of grace.

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