Rise to Receive
(“For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer
counting people’s sins against them.” 2 Corinthians 5:19a)
It is Monday, today, day two,
the second after Sunday, and the leading tone
toward Tuesday.
the second after Sunday, and the leading tone
toward Tuesday.
Moments are not paragraphs,
nor hours chapters,
nor days a story or
years a novel at all.
nor hours chapters,
nor days a story or
years a novel at all.
The day light was declared good
is the day hours passed and remained
just as fast,
just the same.
is the day hours passed and remained
just as fast,
just the same.
The dark afternoon when death was life
is the dark that passed and does not remain
just as true,
just the same.
is the dark that passed and does not remain
just as true,
just the same.
Robin on the wire, your days are longer than mine,
your children hatch and learn and fly in that single season,
then leave the twiggy home for another fence post in
a suburban garden.
your children hatch and learn and fly in that single season,
then leave the twiggy home for another fence post in
a suburban garden.
Doe and fawn who wander
the blackberry blinds,
you hear more than I see, and lead the silent path
where last year’s Columbian White-Tail led
their own the river’s protected shore.
you hear more than I see, and lead the silent path
where last year’s Columbian White-Tail led
their own the river’s protected shore.
Humanity searches ruins
of the ancient past,
kings lie in state and peasants have dusted away
while potsherds evoke possible tunes written upon the clay.
kings lie in state and peasants have dusted away
while potsherds evoke possible tunes written upon the clay.
Who will find me and my
own? Where, in all memory
have I played the songs that reflect the day, convey the way
life has invaded the unexpected waiting of Creation
and Adam.
have I played the songs that reflect the day, convey the way
life has invaded the unexpected waiting of Creation
and Adam.
We rise to receive the Majesty and, believe,
earth and sky and child and elder are caught up together
earth and sky and child and elder are caught up together
In the Day when our
imagination was much too small
for all the universe and the Father’s reconciliation.
for all the universe and the Father’s reconciliation.
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