![Daniel 3:25
He said,](https://scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/94878154_631759231012445_5274363899888321318_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=105&_nc_ohc=T5JRiEobj8YAX-q4OOm&oh=4a911f2fb4237233b1521b4b0519d415&oe=5F062E45)
Your Count Was Off
king replied, ‘But look, I see four men. They’re untied, walking in the middle
of the fire, and unharmed. The fourth one looks like a son of the gods.’” Daniel 3:25)
Have you ever stood
outside when the grass was dewing,
when the darkness was wooing your feet to the meadow,
your arms by your sides, and your eyes to the sky;
Have you ever stood outside in the smudgy dark
and watched all night as the moon came down?
when the darkness was wooing your feet to the meadow,
your arms by your sides, and your eyes to the sky;
Have you ever stood outside in the smudgy dark
and watched all night as the moon came down?
And were you certain,
mostly because of the static electricity
from people rubbing on your head,
that it was your fault the moon was dead?
from people rubbing on your head,
that it was your fault the moon was dead?
Have you ever lived in
God’s house (in our out) where
every move was calculated, measured, and manipulated?
Have you ever walked in to pray, and cried instead, words and
devotion fled and only your naked knees understood anything?
Have you ever dreamt, 30 years later, that it all meant something
but you never were tall enough to bring the glory down?
every move was calculated, measured, and manipulated?
Have you ever walked in to pray, and cried instead, words and
devotion fled and only your naked knees understood anything?
Have you ever dreamt, 30 years later, that it all meant something
but you never were tall enough to bring the glory down?
And were you certain,
mostly because of the chemical reaction
from short-robed preachers accusing your soul,
that it was your fault behind and ahead?
from short-robed preachers accusing your soul,
that it was your fault behind and ahead?
Have you ever held up
new grapes to the sun,
wondering in a half-second’s eternity of winding vineyards
and wines that brighten the eyes?
Have you ever had a day when a king’s summons
met your serenity tête-à-tête squeezing you between
another’s troubles; a wound upon the head because of what
the king had said?
wondering in a half-second’s eternity of winding vineyards
and wines that brighten the eyes?
Have you ever had a day when a king’s summons
met your serenity tête-à-tête squeezing you between
another’s troubles; a wound upon the head because of what
the king had said?
And were you certain,
mostly because of the wind in your soul,
that there was no other option, though most thought the king a priest,
that it was you and the troubled who might not escape unscathed?
that there was no other option, though most thought the king a priest,
that it was you and the troubled who might not escape unscathed?
And did anyone tell you
at midnight, after the madness, in the middle
of either faith or sadness,
of either faith or sadness,
That your count was off
and one more stood unburned, not only in the furnace
but also in the years with you unarmed. And unharmed.
but also in the years with you unarmed. And unharmed.
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