Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teach us to Pray

Teach us to Pray

(“When you pray, say: ‘Father, may your name always be kept holy. May your kingdom come.’” Luke 11:2)

For many people, prayer is the most challenging aspects of their relationship with God. That is not to say that most do not want to pray, but it presents a number of difficulties which we should face honestly. It appears even Jesus’ disciples felt a certain deficit in their own prayer life. Jesus had been praying, and when He finished one of His followers asked Him to teach them to pray.

Imagine playing clarinet in an orchestra and sitting under the tutelage of one of the world’s greatest conductors whose primary instrument is also the clarinet. One day you hear him playing a part you have struggled with constantly. In awe, you listen to the maestro’s accomplished melodies. You ask on behalf of the other musicians, “Master, teach us how to play.”

It is not that you had been faking it; you knew your instrument quite well. You had practiced diligently, could read the music, produce the right notes, and play nearly anything with enough time to prepare. But, having heard the master play, you realized how much you had to learn. You knew the notes, but he knew the music. You could play the song, but he could bring people to tears.

So it is in our prayer. We see Jesus’ constant fellowship with the Father in the Scriptures and realize how much we lack in understanding the heart of prayer. We will never discover the beauty or the depth until we ask, along with the disciples, “Lord, please teach us to pray.”

Jesus does not reprimand them for not praying well enough. Instead, assuming they truly wanted to learn, He said, “When you pray…” The first lesson: Do it! God is not interested in perfected language; He wants us to simply come to Him. We will never learn to pray if we avoid prayer!

“Say, Father…” It is simple. God is the Perfect Parent. He desires to nurture us, provide for us, care for us and lavish the affection of the best Mother or Father. He is “our” Father; you are not an only child. When we call Him “Father”, we indentify ourselves with the family of all who follow Jesus.

See Him as your Father when you pray. If that is hard, go no further. Ask Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to change your imagination. Ask Him to take out the old images painting Him with lightning bolts and a voice of cruel thunder. Ask Him to help you see the caring Father He is.

Think about your desires for your own children. You would do anything to help them overcome a difficulty. You would supply anything they needed to have a fulfilling life. You would never leave them alone, allowing them to think you had forsaken them. You do everything you can to fill their hearts with confidence about your love. Why would God do anything different? He is the perfect Heavenly Father, wanting to fill your life-experience with the confidence that comes from knowing His love.

He is our Father whose name is “holy”. We must always keep the high view of God in view. Because He is holy, He deserves worship and complete submission. He is the image of perfection. As we learn to pray, we learn to align our life to His purity. Prayer is not a way to convince “Papa God” to let us have our way. It is meant to help us submit to His way.

That is what “May Your kingdom come” means. Jesus taught us that prayer always begin, not with a list of our wants and needs, but with a deep desire to see God’s plan worked out in the world. Bring the poor to the Father who cares about them. Pray for many who have not heard about the love of Christ and forgiveness provided at the cross. Pray for the widow who cannot figure out how begin her new life. Pray for the teen bullied by those who think she is different.

Most of all, make prayer a priority. Set aside a specific time, and do not let anything interfere. Your Father God looks forward to conversing with you even more than you do with Him. And, dear one, He misses you when you don’t show up.

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