Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can I Borrow a Cup of Gold, Please

“But each woman shall request from her neighbor and from the lodger in her home silver and gold articles, and garments with which you will dress your sons and daughters. You shall strip the Egyptians.” Exodus 3:22

What would it mean to you if you knew that God intimately cared about the pain you experience? What difference would it make if you knew that He is moved deeply by injustice? What would change in your life if you were convinced of God’s ability to turn unfair situations around in this world?

Before we start jumping up and down and calling out the cheerleaders to ask us to give them a “G-O-D”, we do need to remember one thing; knowing God cares deeply and understanding He has the power to turn circumstances around do not necessarily mean He does it in every situation. For many years, this is what I tripped over in my view of God. It is the way many of us think. If God loves us but we continue to suffer, then He must not be strong enough. Or, He is strong, but He does not care.

But the problem with that thinking is it is “me-centered.” The grand purposes of the universe turn upon my comfort or pain. What if, in God’s great scheme, there are times my pain actually furthers God’s kingdom. What if my unfair treatment in this world can have a redemptive effect? Our example is Christ, of course. God’s own Son did not escape suffering, nor even the sense of God’s removal on the cross. “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”

But, when God decides to turn a life around, to relieve those in pain and deliver those mistreated, He will do it in a way that makes His power known. God and Moses have been talking about God’s plan to deliver Israel from their unfair and enslaved treatment in Egypt. God makes provision for their travel across the desert with an interesting strategy. The women are to ask their neighbors for “silver and gold articles, and garments…”

In true anachronistic style, I imagined the women canvassing their neighborhoods door-to-door, asking their neighbors for jewelry. “Good afternoon Mrs. Smith, I wonder if you could spare some costume jewelry; broaches, bracelets, a necklace or two? You see, our family is planning a huge coming out party. (I’m sorry, I should call that a “going” out party.) Anyway, our daughter has absolutely nothing to wear. I’m afraid I won’t be able to give anything back, we plan to leave on a moment’s notice and, as I understand it, might not be back this way for over 40 years.”

However the women “asked”, God provided for their needs, for when it was time for the Exodus to begin, the women did exactly as commanded, and their neighbors gave them silver, gold, jewels and clothing. (Exodus 12:35).

When God asks us to leave behind the old Egypt we once were part of, we may be surprised to see Him using some of the “riches” from that old life. I taught myself guitar and as a teenager found it a marvelous way to attract girls. As a believer my music has always been a primary way of expressing my worship. I also received some of the best theatre training available in high school with a fairly well known regional actor as teacher. My background in drama has opened many doors to share Christ throughout my life.

God always has His end in sight. When we align with His will, we can be certain that provision will always be had. We may not have to ask our neighbors for their jewelry, but we may be just as surprised at God’s source of supply. Never hold back from expressing the goodness of God’s kingdom from fear God won’t back you up.

Remember, Egypt had enslaved Israel for over 400 years and most recently committed infanticide, having every male baby killed so that the Hebrews would never gain the upper hand. Their Egyptian neighbors must have developed some level of pity as they watched the mistreatment of their foreign friends. God does see mistreatment, He does desire reparation, much like were given to American Japanese for their interment during WWII.

We have been purchased with something worth far more than gold or silver; the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Though once slaves to our own desires, we now have been set free, taking with us such eternal riches as we can never fathom. Though money may be scarce, the flow of God’s grace through Christ is overabundant to every person desiring freedom from their former slavery. Not simply dress-up, costume jewelry, we receive a beauty far above mere appearance. And, not silver that is tarnished with the years, but the ever-present love of Christ which grows only more precious as time passes by.

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