Invitations in the Mail
(“For we are the temple of the living God,
just as God said: ‘I will live and walk among them. I will be their God, and
they will be my people.’” 2 Corinthians 6:16b)
Did you truly need an explanation about grace
and how it crosses the divides between shame and power?
Did you truly think your hardness was acceptable,
that your curses were blessings, and your judgment the very
throne of God?
How did we ever arrive at a time when people with no
sense of God
told us everything
God hated about us? Did you turn your Sunday School lessons into
declarations of division? Did you think that Christ would not notice
your atom bombs and jack-booted roundups of people
who are more like you than you can imagine?
I’ve been waiting for a turn of phrase,
for a moment of grace,
for a day of mercy,
for a year of humanity that finally celebrates
every color of the rainbow and every hue we cannot see.
I’ve been watching and all I hear are enthusiastic salutes
that send us deeper into sorrow and loathing.
If God wants to be our God, then why are we expecting
to stamp his insignia on our basest instincts. Do you want
to be your God
and never give a moment’s fuck to what it means when he
asks us to rethink everything we’ve been poisoning the world with?
This is my deposition: I have never wanted a single
person excluded
from the fellowship, the fraternity, the family that laughs at the
feet that keep walking toward home. There are invitations still
coming in the mail.
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