Never Sleeps

While a pastor on the Fort Berthold Reservation I was honored with the Indian name, "NeverSleeps". It was primarily because I was often responding to particular needs in the middle of the night.

Even more relevant, the Lord Himself, Maker of all, "Never Sleeps".

Surely you know.
Surely you have heard.
The Lord is the God who lives forever,
who created all the world.
He does not become tired or need to rest.
No one can understand how great his wisdom is.

Isaiah 40:28

Welcome to every reader. I am a simple follower of Jesus. He is perfect, I often fall short.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Like Grandma's Perfume


Like Grandma’s Perfume

(“And the sweet smell from the perfume filled the whole house.” John 12:3b)

Lose me in time, lose me over the bridges of sorrow.
I still bruise too easily.
I no longer want to be planted; unroot me and
let the winds swirl me to a more suited clime.
My memories have been looted by fairies and demons
who designed these bogs and fogginess.

My subscription is cancelled,
now let the rope unwind around me.
This tomb is too crowded,
I recognize the bodies all too well.
Resurrection has answered me back
in waves like grandma’s perfume.

Tears puddle in this dank cave,
and the air around misbehaves like a slug.
Though I may still weep without reason,
take me outside where breezes kiss them away
like a puppy’s love eases the
disease in me.

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